Saturday, April 7, 2007

Statute of Religion: In What the Will Be-leaves (heh-heh)

Protective Leaves
Defiantly crossed
To ward off prowlers
And pious thieves (heh-heh)


Anonymous said...

Maybe that should read be-leaves??

Cryptisemita said... does say, um...must have misread it...get your eyes checked, friend...heh-heh

Anonymous said...

When are you gonna get as smart as me? Huh?

Eustache Pinkwood said...

I'm sorry Mr err... cryptonite, but Mr Anonymous is right. There's no such spelling like be-leaves. You are definitely weak in modern languages. You didn't spend enough time at school. Or maybe you are spending too much of it right now.
I can't stand those bloody smart-asses like you who constantly use that dirty "second-level, irony, metaphorical puking" just in order to lose the average reader.
Average reader: honest guy paying his taxes in time (50 percent remember?), using a car, and reading on the boil (the last chapel on earth it seems).

Cryptisemita said...

The Chapel of Crapple in which they spread their cheeks for thirty seconds at a time in the name of literature instead of distraction, I'm sure...

1358.00$! Mutha fuckas, Mr. Mustache Roseboner, mutha fuckas they be! That's proof of your too much time at school theory. Losing half my salary to crank out an army of average readers. Tanks for remindin me!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!!! Who is she? I want to give her all my money right now, and all my volition and all the rest. She's so beautifull and still, she remind me of someone I know, but who???

Unknown said...

Thanks for commenting on my site, cryptisemita! I'll keep dropping in here now and then!