Friday, March 23, 2007

Verific or Vindic ?

Remember my friend Goiles? Well he has this really funky roommate named Flavie who writes great entries and articles on this same system. If you get the chance, go to the bottom of the page and click the GIGANTO GIRL link (checkem all out while you’re at it – all great reads) .

Anyway, I had just finished reading her entry about airport security, (right up there with the likes of George Carlin’s rant about the same topic) and wanted to leave a comment. There is understandably a word verification prompt that filters out invasive spy-bots that pirate these systems to provide info about us to market researchers from warm-blooded surfers. This is an actual screen capture of that word verification (all I added was the red arrow and exclamation point) : I don't know if it was accidental, or if some computer geek with a severe lisp who works the airport security decided to slap his two-cents down on anyone who would dare ridicule him. Either way I think it’s hilarious.


Richard Landry said...

ahh... just when I thought all was lost and the day was coming to a grinding close... you managed to squeeze a giggle out of me. (and a fart, but that might not be ALL your fault).

Marty said...

That is pretty funny.Still working on your note and my culture piece but it took a whole different direction this week after a dream about a Halel Black Mass at Disneyland Huey ,Dewey and Louey were playing fingerpuppet with Snow White and when the Country Bears started playing Quebecoise folk music Mickeys eyes glazed over and he started into a diatribe in German....

Anonymous said...

Err,I don't know if it's my poor knowledge of english that prevents me from understanding the core of your post, but I'm definitely bugging. Maybe it's my terrible mastering of computering. Either ways I'm feeling like an arsehole as my kilted brothers say. Explain that to me tommorrow cause right now I feel like taking up sanskrit. I don't think that language is being used in a Microsoft software right now...

Cryptisemita said...

Um, there’s not much too it. I ASSume you read the wHOLE word verification…(don’t feel shy, several other amphibious friends haven’t understood the punch either…)

Cryptisemita said...

Ohh...I missed the fact that you did understand...I was just shaving when it donned on me...good one!

Julie Delporte said...

So, I'm not alone not understanding this blog ? :)

Cryptisemita said...

Ok, one last time: it is a simple, childish, yet quite funny bit of fate, that the word verification, when said out loud, sounds very much like the word asshole being said by someone with a speech impediment. Actually, the only people who did not get this blog are French speakers, so ...

Ok, l'une dernier fois: c'est un peu simple, enfantin, pourtant tout à fait drôle de destin, que la vérification de mot, une fois dite à haut de voix, ressemble infiniment à le mot "asshole" dit par quelqu'un avec un empêchement de la parole.

Julie Delporte said...

ahhhh. D'accord.

Anonymous said...

idiot you hate womens fuck youuuuuuuuuu.....