Monday, March 26, 2007

Mind With I Today Many So Killed Work At My

What is to be done about people who snarl, or worse, look through you when you try to add some levity to the dreariness of routine and semi-stale air, fend off the quotidian pressures and say hello with a respectful smile? Or who immediately hush up when you walk into a room and cast a nervous grin in your direction. Or those who act like you don’t exist when their friends who hen-peck you are around, but are sweet as pie when it’s just the 2 of you ? Or ask inane questions at awkward times just to see if they could tell by your reaction that you know they’ve been biting at your back. Questions like, oh, what’s that your eating…or, how do you spell this-or-that-obvious-word…or, do you know if it’s supposed to rain tomorrow…or… could you please stop choking me, I can’t breathe…no! please, no more kicking, you’re breaking my ribs…! Hey, what the…my hair, my hair, my eeeaaarrr! Aargghh! You tore off my ear! Aarrrgh! Stop jumping on my legs, my knee is gonna…(pop)yeeeaaaooowwww! no nonononono, no more, not in the face, not in the face…noph ina phace! No! why are you grabbing onto my stomach with your…STOP TWISTING! STOPPPPPPlease! What…oh thank god…where’d he go…he’s coming ba……ah, my back, you broke my back with that…what is it…oh lord, no, no NO! stay away from me with that, that…that is what's to be done about them.

Disclaimer: Any similarity to any person living or dead or kind of living or soon to be dead, real or imaginary, is purely coincidental. Records will be needed to identify fictitious or facetious characters that were used in the writing of this text. Any person wishing to make trouble for me due to blowing off steam needs to blow it up their ass.


Richard Landry said...

dat's a purty flower. :)

Cryptisemita said...

Picked the fucker myself.

Anonymous said...

I am one of your colleagues. I won't reveal my identity but you can be sure that your article shook me. I feel so down right now that I am thinking of quitting my position and start a new career as a moose breeder... Thanks for that revelation, I won't be part of the system any longer. Find me in my shack near the pond...

Cryptisemita said...

Well, Triple G, as for your anonymity, that's blown (Henry David, if you wanted to be alone and unkown, you shouldn't have published...)

Second of all, I'm so glad I managed to shake you; considering your height and girth and gargantuan weight, my steroids must be working cause now I'm a powerhouse. And if I did manage to shake you, did I manage to shake you awake? Will you stop making me feel unworthy of respect?

Third of all, don't even think about quitting. You can't leave the system, because you are not part of the are the system itself. Without you, yes, specifically you, there is not system. So...

...but if you do manage to leave...
Have luck with the bullwinkles.