Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Little Miss Methuselah

Today, Dr. Elena Nicoladis, prominent linguistic theorist, professor of psychology, and fanatical mad scientist turns the great four-OH! Dr. Nicoladis, (in)famous for her controversial research into Forced Acceleration of Linguistic Acquisition For Embryonic Learning (FALAFEL), is quoted as quite jokingly having said, “Some folks are under the distinct impression that forty is an ‘f’ word. Well, even though it is undeniable to say that the word forty does begin with the letter ‘f,’ that simply does not make it a word in any way congruent or synonymous with the other “f-word,” which is both offensive and inappropriate at any celebratory juncture, but more than anything proves etymologically enigmatic due to the fact that the populace at large in both academic and more primitive social spheres is in actuality uncertain of it’s linguistic origins or…(and she goes on and on for another hour or so)…parasympathetic nervous system in speculative conjecture with Dr. Stanford Beer’s educational supposition juxtaposed with other, more contemporaneous generative linguistic theory can bring the sound of this idiomatically recognisable "f-word"…(another ten to fifteen minutes)…and to recapitulate, the apposite, or suitable f-word associated with turning 40 should be that which has it’s earliest origins in the obsolete Middle English verb fonned or fon, which meant to be foolish or to befool, but which we now use more colloquially to signify a sense of whimsical humour-inducing….”

Ok, ok! So, basically, you find that turning forty-years-old is fun?
“Exactly. That’s what I was about to say if you’d let me finish! Geez-Leweez, you can’t get a word in edgewise with this fucking guy…!!”

Happy # Forty Sweetheart!! eXeXeX and OhOhOh


Anonymous said...

Hey, Elena. This is, well, you won't believe it, but I am really God. lol. I just wanted to tell you that if ever again you doubt my existence, you should remember that I said Happy Birthday to you, that I created everything you cherish, and, that I could easily transform you into a jellyfish without breaking a sweat. Did I mention HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY?

Anonymous said...

Why hello there, gorgeous. Just wanted to drop a line, see how you were doing on this, your coming of truly glorificus age. You might get a message from some other "lower" entity telling you the same, but just remember that he/she/it just wants you to visit his/her/it's website to generate more hits for advertising reasons, whereas I really mean it! Happy B-Day! By the way, you haven't yet "baptised" that new baby, I hope...

Julie Delporte said...

Quand est-ce que tu fais un blog en Français William ? Moi je ne comprends rien !

Anonymous said...

Can you dig that sweater?
ouch. I hope not, because I"m begging her to bury it. :)