Friday, March 16, 2007


Find the infinitely preferable short version of this entry below in the (SHORT VERSION) section. If you don't have the time or inclination to read the long version, it is highly recommended by mental healthcare practitioners that you read only the short version. However, failing to post a comment about either of the FINAL NOTES versions, long or short, will result in one of the following ailments:
A.) impotence/frigidity
B.) irrevocable spontaneous illiteracy
C.) a sore ass from me kicking it

The good news is you can't
choose between the three.

Final Notes - (LONG VERSION)
Dull teeth and uninspired bites – dry or slobbery lips puckered for some worthless and probably unrequited kiss - scrawny, frail wrists affixed to squelchy knuckled fists that squish on impact not smashing worthy targets into bits, not signaling rebellion, not even punching holes through fake smiles. I have just described this, and every other useless paragraph…in fact, almost every other string of bunched together sentences with very few exceptions… it has to end.

Been writing a while? Tired of relying on bells and whistles to get the job done? Well, the good news is that there is no job to do but for entertainment, and drawing people’s attention onto the pages you so painstakingly craft to be captivating distractions from your readers’ lives is a sham and you know it.
Maybe this knowledge is buried deep, but stop pretending to have important things to say when all of your writing amounts to nothing more than amusement under the guise of artistic or vicarious experience:

Every hour your readers read is an hour that they are duped into believing they have lived something profound when in actuality they have not lived at all. They have sat. Stared at ink and thin rectangles of macerated pressed wood or glaring boxes of radiation.

They should be living their only lives, but instead they read you, unable to turn away from your cleverly constructed cabal, your novel, your script, your article, your blog, your love letter, your email, your joke of the fucking day.

Why not do away with all your fancy talk, your literary devices and techniques, your memorable or zany characters and catchy phrases, your plot twists and surprise endings and never ending rants and tedious tangents and linguistic special effects?

Put an end to your (and our) suffering by FINALLY writing what
you mean and meaning what you write by writing that ONE final note; that ONE last message to the world that expresses your true self and lets the reader know who you really are, and what you really mean, and most important, what you meant and who you were, because try as you might, you can’t fake a fucking suicide note.

To be great it has to be real.
Acknowledged as McCoy.
Maybe read allowed by a friend or family member at your funeral or your wake as they stare at your corpse with some newfound opinion of fondness and respect, meanwhile hoping that you (now dead), the author of such a brilliant and inspiring final message, had respected the reader and had deemed him or her worthy of loving while you were alive.

Certainly, a writer worth any salt could manage a reasonable facsimile suicide note - something sufficiently tear-jerking to convince some fools of its saying-goodbye-to-tomorrowness.

Fine, but ask yourself this: what written passion, sorrow, anger, frustration, defeat, emotional insurgence or acquiescence could possibly compare to the sheer power released into the letter you would write moments before taking your own life?

Try faking all you want – you will never write anything as focused, as stirring, or as poignant as your final earnest message to the world.

Having said that…

Writers, listen up: it’s time to leap from the building of this shabby reality; dive off the bridge built between common sense and hypocrisy; slash away at the vein of vanity and carve up the futile arterial insanity that binds us to mediocrity and pretty lies about why our words are supposed to matter because except as distractions, they don’t.

Nothing does. Lol.

Final Notes - (SHORT VERSION)

Hi anyone. I'm looking to compile, for my own zany, fun-luvin’ reasons, imaginary though convincing suicide notes from any writer worth a lick of salt. I would write them myself, but as you can tell, I haven't enough salt to flavour a garbanzo bean.

I need your help in this worthy and charitable endeavour. The notes don’t have to be long. They don’t have to be masterpieces, but some of them will be. Or really funny. It is not a contest, though the prizes include retaining a love of sex and your ability to recognise the alphabets, and not waking up with my shoe up your arse. Winners will be published online in three weeks in big bold letters. Good-luck and have as much fun as I know you're dying to...


Anonymous said...

I've had it - ciao.


Anonymous said...

"Well, the good news is that there is no job to do but for entertainment, and drawing people’s attention onto the pages you so painstakingly craft to be captivating distractions from your readers’ lives is a sham and you know it.
Maybe this knowledge is buried deep, but stop pretending to have important things to say when all of your writing amounts to nothing more than amusement under the guise of artistic or vicarious experience:"

Why is amusement not important?
What is "entertainment"?
What entertains you?
Must the same things be as entertaining for others? Are your musings more important? Do they make your demons/memories/thoughts/fears/intuitions/imaginings that much more interesting or relevant to ... society? Do you care? Why? Why not? Why do you separate "amusement" from one's life, or from art, or ... life from vicarious experience? Don't they all exist. Every aspect a part of life in and of itself. A sliver of diversity, in the union of 'all'.

What is distraction from life?
What is an authentic life?
Is there only one 'worthwhile' development, plot, theme for any single lifespan? Which ones are you striving for? Which ones do you enjoy living vicariously? What are your values? Why? Why not? Who cares? Why do/ would they? Should they? How do you help? Bring significance? By bringing attention to the shit? With humor and an alternative? Or with rancor, despair, and a willingness to wallow in it?

Is that amusing and entertaining?
For you?
Always? Why?

Anyhoo, an interesting read at the very least... but a bit of a bummer. Maybe it was a kick in the ass though; I'm going to go play outside with the kids now. Shake off the gritty doldrum, and hear some frivolous laughter.

Both the victor
and the vanquished are
but drops of dew,
but bolts of lightning-
thus should we view the world.

Love you. Hope you have some fun this weekend.

I came upon this japanese poem that I thought would make a great opening to a suicide note.

Kakaru toki
sa koso inochi no
kanete nakimi to
Ota Dokan (1432-1486)

(Had I not known,
that I was dead
I wouls have mourned
my loss of life.)


Cryptisemita said...

Um...whoever the hell wrote this is bordering on retardation...
If you were in any way familiar with the idea of irony, then you would not have lectured pedantically without cause. Unless of course, you, like me, were joking, and had already realised that FINAL NOTES is a satire of wallowing and morbidity, not a lesson in how-to-suffer. Likewise, spare me the lesson in how to think or what to write...I don't think my thoughts are better than anybody's, well, except for yours at the moment, and I don’t like being accused of such bullshit. It's a celebration of life and living. I would never condemn reading or writing...I love both those activities…anyone who knows me knows that…The reproving of them should have been enough to activate your bullshit detectors…

Why the hell would I seriously advocate not reading or writing? This is an online WRITTEN journal, not A PEEP SHOW so go jerk off somewhere else if you were trying to give me some kind of life lesson, or worse...

But if you actually did get the point, then your ability to effectively demonstrate irony is even worse than mine…

If you are the same asshole who’s been accosting my brother on his site, then cool. We’ll just tag team your ass into literary oblivion, bitch…

Marty said...

Not exactly the same but I,ve loved this site for a long time.
P.S.This was a truly genius blog.I'll have a mock for you by Saturday.Thereby fulfiling the above threat of you trying to ram your little size nines up my Lincoln Tunnel sized ass.

Anonymous said...

I try it one times to killed my self and this his that letter I did write that times, an not so long to ago -I try it to make one traduction:
I not have not to am be trop happy, cause i'm have can not to be whit you, mine love. That his one ways to have be with me an this is to not have to be more than with me, an that could be serious now, you are unerstand cause you are know me well. I can be facile to unerstand if you love me. If no, I can be not facile to unerstand. You not are unerstand cause you're not love me! Me, I can love you to much, much to much. Me, I love you tellement I not can be whitout you're love. I am tired to being alone. I am tired to being sadness and unhappy to. Goodbye now.

Anonymous said...

you are having dat funny bones in my hass shaking alots with dis letters of your writing.
i must go shitting my self now.
hestie calvaire!

Anonymous said...

I can't take the guilt of having blamed my ex-girlfriend of stealing my new girlfriend's Ipod. I know I made her so upset that she got really fat and pimply and now everyone hates her. I know that she's innocent; I stole the Ipod from myself so that everyone would feel sorry for me because I am so pathetic. Plus I needed the cash for smokes, which is kind of like committing suicide...does that count?

Anonymous said...

I won't say this again. It is over. The nightmares, the tormenting memories, the pain of indecision, the conflicting opinions of where I went wrong and why I messed up so badly. If I had the strength to support it, I would. I leave behind a lot of good people who may or not miss me, but who won't be dragged down by my outbursts of insanity anymore. You may think I am being selfish, but I am being the opposite of that - I'm doing it for you. For all of you.

You're welcome.

Cryptisemita said...

oh yeah, bring it on guys!

Anonymous said...

It makes me so sad that all of you sickos are writing about death and depression. Isn't there any light in your lives? What about sunshine, romance and poetry, newborn babies, cool music and laughter all around? Don't you people have good things to write about? It makes me so depressed, I think I'll just, just...

Anonymous said...

Real letter of suicide:

I think that my time has come. I grew up in a nice family, full of hope and romantic images of our blossoming future and our dolorous past. I grew up thinking that the people around me were wise and profound, deep inside a pact of innate solidarity. Oh poor me, I realise that my family was a big bunch of monsters playing blue Harper and singing sounds about the beauty of the united family and heterocentrism. Shit, MY family broke....I think I must die. I give the media the opportunity to deal as they wish about my death. Hope there will be a lot of commentaries.
I loved you all,
The Nation

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To whomever gives a shit,

While I contemplate the feel of this day I cannot help but think, what’s so great about this, the silent mode in which we struggle to get by, hoping desperately that our lives will have some meaning some greater good. But you don't have to look far before knowing without the slightest fragment of doubt that for all we do in this world, be it save lives, fight wars, make love or other, for all that talk about politics and paying it forward. nothing we do will ever make a difference. And in the face of all this we are to just close our eyes and live i the happy delusion that life is to me marvelled at. Fuck it. why bother with the small shit. we eat we sleep try to get laid and die, that’s life and the strain of it even on my pointless existence has begun to drive me into a maddened state of paranoid psycho drama where I begin to think far to deeply. and when that begins I begin to laugh enraged at the thought that there might be a god. and I'll tell you what makes me think that. Drama. Take an entire race put them on a planet designed to support life, give them bigger brains than any other race on that planet throw in some unlikely events and sit back and watch the show for a few eons. make sure you have some pop corn... but I digress .

fuck you god, and fuck the rest of you as well.

Cryptisemita said... that's my boy! A real chip off the old apple that didn't fall far from the tree that's chopped into blocks as fuel to the family proud that your sense of humour has bloomed so bright. Can't wait till you're home, we're gonna laugh so hard, we'll kill ourselves! hahahahahahaha!


Julie Delporte said...

If it has to be in English, let me know, I will translate. It's not so original, but I tried to be honnest and to imagine what could be the real reason... Who will be for me an entire solitude.

"Ce soir encore je pleure. Je vais tellement mal que je fais mal au gens. J'ai essayé plein de sorties de secours, mais je me suis perdue dans des couloirs vides. Je ne suis plus assez forte pour endurer le vide. Un gouffre qui n'a pas de sens. Je pensais que tout allait passer, mais tout est toujours là. Ma vie me glisse entre les mains, visqueuse comme tous mes sentiments gâchés. Être seule dans la foule, je n'y arrive plus"

Cryptisemita said...

Um...I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hummm... Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you all but... I don't know if you will be interested in that, 'cause it's not really important... It's something silly, really, I - I just wanted to say that I might..., yeah I was thinking, and I might kill myself tonight but don't worry, It's going to be fine... I'm going to be fine - I just wanted to tell someone, even if it's not a big deal, it kind of is for me, I never performed before, and I'm quite nervous, but I'm sure I'll be ok...

See you...

Cryptisemita said...

Merde, Daniele, MERDE! I hope you fail the audition though, so Good Luck!xxx

Anonymous said...

J’aurais pourtant essayé. Rien ne marche finalement.
Ils nous ont menti, tous. Et on y a cru.
J’ai pendant trop longtemps donné un crédit injustifié aux espoirs fous de nos romans. J’ai crû à ces merveilles promises, à ces cris d’éternités qui ne sont au fond que de la pacotille, des pommes pour les pourceaux.
Non, tout ce qui brille n’est pas de l’or. Tout ce qui brille n’existe que dans ma tête. Et tant pis pour la postérité, pour la gloire éternelle des croyants. Berné jusqu’à l’os. Jusqu’au bout j’aurais essayé. Derrière chaque pièce d’incompréhension, derrière chaque flaque de dégueulis, je me suis forcé à entrapercevoir l’éclat de notre supplément d’âme.
Faut croire qu’on n’en a pas en stock. On est vide, on se contentera donc de se soustraire chaque fois un peu plus, à réduire nos attentes, à brader perpétuellement ce qui faisait de nous des êtres en devenir, il y a dix ans encore.
Dix ans plus tôt, jamais l’idée de négocier cette part de moi ne m’aurait effleuré. Je me rends compte en ce jour que mes os d’humain déçu ne sont fait au final que d’une moelle putride. Je me désagrège, je me suis corrompu à petit feu. Le manque de foi et de mystère aura eu raison de mes romans, de mes héros en carton-pâte.
C’est dommage, j’aurais bien aimé. J’aurais bien aimé les promesses et les serments. En échange de mes certitudes, on m’a offert sur un plateau trop petit un paquet suintant de trahisons et de lames dans les reins.
Je ne me résigne pas à survivre, le dos labouré d’acier, la gorge étouffée par cette ouate de mensonges. Alors je m’en vais. Et pour bien prouver que ce monde aura même eu raison de la mort et de son geste, je plie bagage comme un moderne.
Pas de corde ni de balles. Désormais, on ne meurt plus comme dans les livres. Aujourd’hui, on s’endort, on s’asphyxie une dernière fois par la médication des somnambules. Pour avoir trop rêver, je m’offre un sommeil sans nuit. De toute façon, il ne reste plus personne pour trouver ça tragique…

Anonymous said...

yeah, the end is certainly an important matter,no should do it by yourself, don't rely on somebody else.Why should you be signed out by a careless doc putting a case against the health system, or an enraged cop under high job pressure; or just by a fucking gang having fun in his teritory. No, I mean better you care of your end by yourself.What I suggest here,is an end like a star. Not like a Hollyood artificial man made idiot star; but like a real shining star, a supernova,a huge blast, you deserve something like that. I know that a satr life is counted by billions of years,but time is relatively speaking,there are those who live for just a couple of seconds, they get born ,they grow up , they learn to survive,they reproduce and finally they die.No, seriously you need to end up like a real star.Why not a live excution in a live show. I mean you need witnesses for your final show ; otherwise it's pointless.Anyway , no need to send me free tickets, cause I want to sign out myself by myself.thanks.

Marty said...

I was a horribly charred infant.
When I escaped the womb,life burned.My first sound was not the innocent cry of a child,but a tortured scream of anguish and pain.I instantly knew I was not the child of my parents,but a product for them to mold and send into the machine.They could not understand why their darling son was so full of hatred and depression.When these feelings were focused back at society as a teen,they were shocked and said "we brought you up better than this".How did they think they were raising me differently than any other child?They raised me the way society showed them how to.Freedom.This means an end to societys grasp on me,right?Wrong.Now I am forced to become part of the beast rather than only being controlled by it.We can't forget the machine,but we can shut it down.
For us burnt corpses still trapped,there is only one method of escape.Life burns.And we can't put out the fire.But we can take away the fuel.Death won't hurt.It will just take away the pain

As I leap off life
And I approach death
I extend my arms to it
So that it will except me without effort.

Falling,without fearof
What might await me'
I anticipate the moment
That begins the end.

When I reach it
Death will encompass me,
And I will embrace it
Two,as one,but none.

Anonymous said...

Dear Life

C’est décidé, je me suicide aujourd’hui
On va devoir me ramasser à la petite cuillère

Et en argent, s’il-vous-plaît. Sortez votre coutellerie. Pour une fois…

Maman, tu la frotte avec de la pâte de zinc chaque jeudi soir en écoutant la Poule aux œufs d’or et elle n’a jamais servi, ca fait deux dégénérations que les précieux ustensiles n’ont rien à se mettre sous la dent. Ils brillent tellement qu’ils t’ont rendu myope. Attends-tu que les couteaux à beurre se fâchent et te crève les yeux? Ca fait 65 ans qu’ils sont sans vocation, dans une boîte condamnée à un prestige inexistant (tiens, ca me fait penser à papa) laisse- les se salir un peu. Tu en a déjà plein de bibelots, aussi inutiles les uns que les autres, même la poussière ne sait plus ou bien tomber sans nuire à ton affreuse disposition de babioles à 1$, sur ton étagère en faux-fini de mélanine étranglée de chapelets en plastique « glow in the dark » . Tu vas rendre la quiétude nocturne épileptique et ca va te donner des cauchemars. Malgré tous mes efforts, je sais que je ne t’ai jamais convaincue de cesser de magasiner au Dollorama, un chinois pour toi c’est jaune avec les yeux bridés, ca tiens un bol de riz, ca porte un chapeau en triangle et ca se place très bien dans un jardin. C’est une chinoiserie d’extérieur. Parmi tes sept girouettes, les jouets délavés qui accueillent maintenant toutes les araignées du voisinage, les restes de la niche du chien exilé, tes deux flamants roses grugés, la mosaïque de bouteilles de RC Cola et le carré de sable en tortue devenue la litière des chats errants et celle du réseau d’amis à papa, quand il décide d’inviter ses chums à venir sacrer dans le salon et qu’ils bouchent la toilette avec leurs sacs de chips BBQ, les bouchons de Milwaukee et les couches du petit Kevin. Tu pourrais au moins les sortir de leur emballage respectif tes cochonneries de décorations. Ca nous permettrais peut-être de mieux en contempler la hideur et la futilité. Les reflets de lumière causés par le plastique nous permettent à peine cette chance. Juste assez pour garder nos verres fumés et ne rien oser toucher. Ca comprend aussi la limonade en poudre que tu m’as servi dans un verre au rebord imprégné de rouge à lèvres. Et tu n’en porte même pas… Les ‘bobos’ sur le pénis de papa dont tu m’as parlé l’autre jour, es-tu certaine que c’est causé par les punaises qui se propagent, juste, dans son fauteuil? Ce n’est pas une lutte domestique anti-parasitaire qu’il aurait fallu. Combien as-tu payé pour l’extermination 450$? Pour ce prix là, tu aurais pu avoir recours à un détective stagiaire. Et les stagiaires doivent faire leurs preuves, en une semaine, il aurait cerné la coquerelle que papa encule en cachette, dans les angles morts de ta naïveté ou de ton ‘amour’ pour lui. Tu as besoin de combien d’indices pour te rendre compte que ton mari est un salaud? Juste à ton mariage, quand il t’a offert une broche à l’effigie de sa compagnie, au lieu d’une bague, parce qu’il avait dépensé sa dernière paye au Casino. Tes yeux auraient du tourner comme les lots des vidéo-pocker. Triple trou-du-cul. Jackpot de merde. Non, tu lui as répondu : « Oui, je le veux. » Tu l’as encore aussi ton salaud misérable! Et lui, il t’as eu aussi. La dernière fois que tu es sortie de la maison, mis à part chez le docteur ou à l’épicerie, c’était pour le baptême de Kevin. Ca fait 3 ans. Tu es plus docile que ton balais Swiffer anti-statique. Tu adhère à n’importe quelle baliverne. Tu souris même quand il t’humilie. Peut-être que s’il te battait un peu ca stimulerait ta dignité?

Ta coutellerie d’argent ne désire que ca une main chaude et grasse au niveau du manche et une sensation de succion aux extrémités. Là, ils sont très propres, ont toujours été propres et tu t’acharne quand même à les rendre plus-que-propre. C’est comme si tu stérilisais la vierge Marie. Maman, tu souffre de pléonasmes compulsifs. Parles-en au Docteur Duhamel à ton prochain rendez-vous.

C’est quand même pas à tous les jours qu’on peut se permette de se tuer. La réincarnation, ca pousse pas dans les arbres. Et je suis trop déprimée pour adhérer à une religion, même les charlatans et les raëliens ne veulent pas de moi. J’ai les mamelons qui me décrassent le nombril et le sexe qui pendouille entre mes cuisses. Je ne suis pas à une amulette près d’être désirable. Même chez les ‘défécations anonymes’ je sens que c’est moi le plus gros étron de la place. J’ai un karma de cuvette. Une aura de salle de bains. Et un parfum de pot-pourri. C’est bien évident que je dois me flusher à tout jamais. Ca fait cinq ans que je broie du noir. Il est temps de me hacher de la tête aux pieds. Ca va être dégueulasse. Trente-huit ans de matières fécales expulsées la même journée. Les émanations vont réveiller les morts.

Sophie, chérie, je sais que tu as le cœur sensible. Il y a du Vicks dans la pharmacie. Badigeonne-toi bien la région nasale avant de me découvrir morte dans les toilettes. Mon lieu de prédilection.

Mon heure est arrivée.
Je fini mon bol de céréales. J’avale ma dernière gorgée de café.
J’entre dans la salle de bain. Je m’assois sur le trône.
Et je chie. Oh que je chie!
Mon déjeuner.
Mon souper de la veille, ma dinde du jour de l’An, les chocolats de la St-Valentin, le gâteau d’anniversaire de mes douze ans. Mon refus d’être comme ma mère. Mon dédain contre mon père.
Que de la diarrhée. Du flux.
J’avais une crotte familiale sur le cœur
Cette lettre a été très laxative pour moi
Maintenant que je ne suis plus constipée
Mon suicide est reporté
Au jour où mes intestins me rendront incontinente
Et que j’éclabousserai les autres de mes scelles contaminés
Là oui, je tirerai la chasse sur ma vie